The Key

I’d laid in the bed trying to make the decision on whether my child should go to camp today or not.  The weatherman has me worked up into a full frenzy about all the devastation that’s bound to happen with this storm.  I just didn’t sleep very well thinking about it. Is this camp equipped for emergencies?  What do they do if a tornado touches down. Will she remember my phone number if the teacher has to call and can’t find it?  So, when I finally dozed off the clock went off right after. I hit the snooze as usual. The next thing I know I’m just jumping up out of bed when I realized what time it was.  Hitting that snooze button has gotten me running late twice this week alone.  I don’t know why I just couldn’t get up this morning.  Now I’m rushing around making sure my baby’s lunch was made, her clothes laid out for dad to get her in and I grabbed my purse and headed straight for the garage. In scrubs, I had to check to be sure my sneakers were in the trunk (I never bring them in the house…germs you know) so I opened the trunk, jumped out of the car, found the sneakers, realized I hadn’t taken my medicine, went back in the house, took it and returned to the driver’s seat.  I checked for my cell phones -yes, unfortunately I have to carry 2 and went to grab the keys from my purse so I could leave.   No key.  Checked my pockets- no key. On the floor?  Nope, no key…. I just couldn’t understand.  I thought I had them.

Aggravated, I started to retrace my steps in my head…did I leave them in the kitchen with the lunch? Are they by the microwave?  Could I have left them in my jacket pocket from yesterday?  Nothing rang a bell…that is until I decided to open the car door to go inside…yep - you got it the keys were in the ignition.  Poom, poom, poom…. Good grief! Really Crista?


Just like a lot of people I let the stress of the day get the best of me.  I was worried about being late, worried about the impending storms and I was angry which certainly never helps the situation and didn’t realize that I’d put the key in the ignition so I wouldn’t lose it while I was looking for my phones.  And then I heard God’s voice say,” The key is in your hand”.  He didn’t’ mean the key to the car of course.  It was the key to everything…His word.  Use the key, use His word to guide you in every situation.  He is faithful to do exactly what he says he will do.  He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  Use what I’ve given you.  I’ve given you the key. 

It reminded me of the story of in 2 Kings 4:1-7.  The bible says a “certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha saying “your servant my husband is dead and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my 2 sons to be his slaves.”  Now that’s some pressure for you.  Her husband is dead and she’s about to lose her sons to a creditor.  Nothing punches a mother in the gut like the possibility of losing her children.  However, Elisha asks her what do you have in your house?  She states nothing but a little cruse of oil.  As you know he instructs her to borrow vessels from everywhere, close herself in the house and pour the oil in the vessels.  When she’s poured until all the vessels were full Elisha instructs her to sell the oil, pay the creditor and live off the rest. 

She had the key already.  She needed to use what she had.  She had more than enough.  More than enough to pay her debt and keep her son’s.  In my case, I didn’t use the faith that I already have to 1. Stop worrying 2. Walk in faith and know that God has already got you covered and 3. Relax in that faith so I could think clearly.

Have faith and use what you have.  The key is in your hands.

Just keeping it CristaClear